Analysis Of Bill Mckibben's 'Sounding The Alarm Bell'

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Global warming is slowly breaking our planet a part. From the Arctic rapidly melting to the outbreaks of deadly disease due to the range of which mosquitos can travel increasing. “The four percent of us who live in the U.S. produce a quarter of the world’s CO2—we are, quite literally, killing our neighbors, drowning them in rising seas” (3), says American environmentalist and author, Bill McKibben in “Sounding the Alarm Bell.” Without spreading the discoveries and making our concerns on global warming known around the globe and to world leaders, Earth will be left without a chance. James Hansen, a climatologists and NASA scientist discovered that the proper amount of carbon dioxide in which is appropriate for this planet of civilization is …show more content…

We continue pushing this issue aside, hoping that nature is just working its course. When in reality, we are the source. A statement that grabbed me more than anything else in “Sounding the Alarm ,” was “By moving too slowly it would lock the world into an ever-warming future” (McKibben 1). This is exactly what we have been doing and we are continuing to do. A movement needs to take place, eyes need to opened, and voices need to be heard from every person from everywhere. I salute Bill McKibben for gathering people to pull that church bell 350 times in the town of Sherborn, Massachusetts. McKibben was trying to take a stand and make a political announcement. More of us need to find ways to make global warming more public than it is. Sure, many people know it is taking place but so few do something about it. McKibben’s way of putting that the abundance of people who don’t necessarily not care, but don’t care to think about the devastating impact it is causing is very well said… “The power of the fossil fuel industry, and the inertia of all of us who are used to things the way they are, are right now too strong”

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