Advantages Of Genetic Modification Of Human

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Genetic Modification of Human Beings: Is It Acceptable? Throughout modern day society, many people have thought about or have come in contact with the issue of genetically modified human engineering, and whether or not this topic is justifiable. There are many disadvantages to the practice of altering human genes. Genetically modifying human genes would invoke conditional love from the parents of the child and could potentially instill a mentality of unhealthy perfectionism, as well as consumerism. If the alteration of human genetic data was acceptable, then parents who would choose their children’s genes would set unrealistic expectations on their child’s performance. Genetically modifying human genes would also attribute to the erosion of social and civil …show more content…

Thus, the genetic modification of humans is not acceptable due to the the fact that it invokes a mentality of consumerism in the arena of “choosing” what kind of baby you want, it leads to unrealistic and unhealthy emotional expectations placed on the child of what their parents want them to be, and it instills a society where civil and …show more content…

Altering the genetic makeup of human beings instills relationship between children and parents that is determined by the genetic traits that the parents chose for their kids. Thus, creating a mindset of perfectionism and consumerism. Then, the genetic modification of genes burdens the child with unrealistic expectations of what they are supposed to be like. Next, genetically altering human genes paves way for a larger class divide which results in higher rates of racism and discrimination between the elite class and lower class.

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