Gendered Socialization In Canada

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When a girl is a child, they have the ability to be almost anything they want. However when those children become women in Canada they are not strongly represented in some professions, instead making a large portion of the lower wage careers. Through infancy, primary school, high school a women 's early experiences may or may not set her up for success. By looking at the behaviours of the people and structures that surround us throughout our lives, we attempt to develop an understanding the role of gendered socialization, why there is such a marked difference between the level of women 's employment and how that relates to the likelihood of poverty. Gendered socialization in childhood, has lasting effects in adulthood at a societal level. Single …show more content…

There is no structural reason that there should be a difference in the number entering certain university classes, nor as mentioned earlier, is there more than a minor difference in performance of math (Hyde, Fennema & Lamon 1990) allowing both women and men to enter science and math related university studies. In adolescence, teens try to establish their identity will test out different versions of themselves, also adapting to their environment at home versus with friends. Cooley 's “Looking glass self” is evident in a teen who seeks others approval and aware of their perceptions in their search of how they fit in the world. Part of this identity is how they perform as a student. In-class experience, might impinge positive self perception, despite those students possessing high grades, teachers who give more attention to others reflect whom they see with potential. (Cheryan,Plaut, Davies, & Steele, 2009) “Environments can act like gatekeepers by preventing people who do not feel they fit into those environments from ever considering membership in the associated groups” …show more content…

When a mother has a child, the government is eager for her to get back into the workforce, unfortunately in Canada they do not offer an environment that allows that woman to succeed. In Finland, paid maternal, paternal and parental leave are offered for an extended time, it is available to anyone, whether a student, working parent or unemployed. Day care is also free or subsidised. Canada offers only maternal and parental leave, which is strictly based on previous earnings (Government Canada, n.d.). In Canada this places parenthood on the mother, with no cheap childcare option, Quebec being the exception, the only province offering paternal leave (Services Quebec, n.d.) and subsidized day care (Revenu Quebec,

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