Dime Store

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Dime Store "I Can't Hear a Damn Word You're Saying" According to Denning (49), those who criticize the free distribution of fictional works that the public craves usually support banning sensational fiction altogether. However, this approach will inevitably drive away the very demographic that could benefit the most from the library's positive impact. It is evident that William Fletcher attributed more significance and importance to dime novels than most "serious intellectuals" did in the late 1800s. In fact, many people, particularly in the middle class, considered dime novels vulgar and believed that they caused young children to imitate the actions of characters such as Buffalo Bill and Deadwood Dick. However, both the production and popularity of dime novels, especially among the working class, suggest that something more profound than cheap entertainment compelled them to read these works of fiction. Contrary to the beliefs of many literary scholars and those in the middle class, and perhaps as indicated by the various reactions to them, these plotlines and characters appealed to the working class on more than one level. The rate at which dime novels were produced was astounding. According to Denning, "William Wallace Cook began by receiving a title and synopsis for a serial, and would then write, adapt and revise installments to meet the ever-changing specifications of the publisher. Almost all the accounts tell the story of novels written at exceptional speed in marathon sessions, and all emphasize the sheer quantity of writing" (21). It was not uncommon for authors to write entire pieces in one week or less, with some not bothering to edit their work. Many admitted that their motivation for writing stories at such a pace was money, but most maintained that the material contained in their stories was not immoral or vulgar, but rather useful. It is noteworthy that, while the negative reaction against dime novels eventually reflected the class that was supposedly reading them, the authors themselves were not from the working class. In fact, the dime novel "was a commercial product of a burgeoning industry employing relatively educated professionals--writers who also worked as journalists, teachers, or clerks" (45).

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