Compare And Contrast Ww1 And The First World War

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This essay will examine how much different was the first world war (WW1) in comparison to previous wars that had taken place for example the Napoleonic empire which led to numerous wars especially the tragic end of destruction for the Napoleonic army with many casualties in the attempt to take-over Russia, another example is the bloody American Civil War which at its time was considered the first of the modern wars as the Southern and Northern armies voluntarily accepted the use of new technology in warfare equipment such as new guns and deadlier and more penetrative bullets. So the main focus of this essay will be on various aspects that advanced over the years and changed the way wars were fought such as the rise of industrialisation in the Let us start by pointing out some similarities WW1 had with some previous wars such as the American Civil War, in both wars the fact is that the strategies and tactics used to fight the wars were way below the level of technological advancement in the sense that the leaders did not take well enough into consideration the new warfare material that had emerged in their time resulting in more casualties than there should be, a high school teacher mentions that “The Civil War saw the world’s first machine gun. In the last year of the civil war, long lines of trenches and fortifications were built by both sides and a long six month siege set in including large scale artillery bombardments. Some historians call this the precursor of WW1 trench style fighting. The Civil War also relied exclusively on infantry charges, much like WW1, and the casualty rates reflected this” so as we see there was already technological advancement in the American Civil War and only in the last year did they realise that the new artillery power was too strong for the troops to withstand without

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