Officer Gunnhildur Movie Analysis

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The “Officer Gunnhildur” series by the British born author and journalist Quentin Bates is about a widowed mom with two children (a daughter and a son) named Gunnhildur “Gunna” Gisladottir. She has a sardonic sense of humor., is middle aged, and she also is a grandmother. She is also down to earth and intelligent. In the early books of the series, Gunna works as an officer, but gets a promotion later on and becomes a sergeant.

The series is made up of both short stories and novels; that are considered to be police procedural and Scandinavian crime fiction. This series is set in the village of Hvalvik, Iceland. This is the series that the author made his debut in fiction writing with in 2011, with the release of the first novel in the series …show more content…

For months, a thief who has been ripping off Reykjavik homes of their valuables has been the thorn in the side of the local police. The thief makes a mistake, and breaks into the wrong house and caught in a trap, something that he never thought would ever happen. Gunnhildur, who investigates the case, is frustrated the whole time while looking for a victim that seems to have gone missing at the scene. She thinks it might be related to two businessmen who had been murdered. These two businessmen had some shady dealings and connections that Gunna is told to steer clear …show more content…

Some simply like Gunnhildur 's character and the way she conducts herself and how strong of a character that she is. There is both light and dark inside of her and its enjoyable the way that you see both aspects to her character. Bates has written another winner that has a complex plot and develops Gunna even further, teaching you more about this extremely real character, once again. Fans love these complex and intelligent novels that Bates writes, and they cannot wait for him to release more of them.

Some did not like the way that the novel was written, as it was confusing and felt foreign to them. Some felt that certain things in the novel stretch what could actually really happen, and the novel serves as good material, but not literature. Some even felt that the novel was very slow going throughout the early part, making the novel hard to finish. Some of the development of certain characters is a little confusing, as some of the characters are developed in detail and are minor, but some who are in quite a bit of the book do not get that kind of

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