The Objectives Of Family Life Education

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Even though Family Life Education (FLE) has been established in America since 1938, many people still do not know of the career field or assume it is the same as a social worker or a school counselor. In some ways it assumes some of the same responsibilities, but in many ways it is a night and difference between any other career field. This paper will discuss the following objectives of Family Life Education principles, history and growth.
Family life education (FLE) has several different methods of developing positive, well rounded individuals and families. Skills that are important to focus on are: interaction skills, strong judgment skills, positivity, along with the ability to develop happy and healthy relationships. FLE also focuses on …show more content…

FLE instructors are not a typical classroom teacher, but more of an advocate for the clients. Since 2005, when the first book outlining specific needs of a FLE was published, it has provided a foundation, along with resources for FLE professionals. The outline covers chapters such as; foundations & purpose, history, structure among universities & community, and FLE’s outreach theories. Classes may vary from different topics from sexual health, marriage, parenting, handling emotions and life changes. Other resources that a FLE instructor might turn to be community support, clinics, films, printed or digital …show more content…

And what’s best for them? Trying not to mix their personal and professional beliefs of issues put in front of them. But keeping an open mind concerning the family & relationship dynamics, along with how the client lives their life. Family Life Education has a rich history in America, consistently developing from era to era. FLE fits exactly where it is needed in homes, schools, churches, and in community outreach. With ongoing technology, philosophies and approaches, FLE will always be in

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