Ethic Groups in Afghanistan

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Interestingly enough, many different ethnic groups can be found in Afghanistan. Some are from other countries and others have only Afghan routes. Discoveries show that Hazaras are one of the lowest and Pashtuns one of the highest powers in Afghan society. People would automatically assume that there were only one or two different ethnic groups, which live in Afghanistan. However, there appears to be a great variety of different peoples living in Afghan society. All together, fourteen different ethnicities can be discovered in Afghanistan. I have found the following: Arab, Hindu-Sikh, Farsiwans, Wakhis, Sunni Brahui, Qizilbash, Aimaqs, Baluchs, Nuristanis, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Tajik, and Pashtun people.

Hazaras tend to be on the bottom of what we would call the Afghanistan “food chain”. This means that these certain people are not well respected or liked in Afghan society. Most Hazaras like to live in Hazarajat and Hazaristan where they will be more respected than their relations from Afghanistan. Hazaras are said to come from many different backgrounds but the one that makes the most sense is they tend to be “direct descendents of Mongolian soldiers that previously came to Afghanistan with Genghis Khan’s expeditionist army” (Emadi Par. 3) This particular theory is always under critics thought, but most support this theory. However, some think that the Hazaras are half Mongolian and Half Turk. The religion of the Hazaras are scattered depending on where you find the tribe. Most are apt to be Shiite, but some are known to be Sunni Muslims. The population of this ethnic group is 6-7 million. Even though Hazaras are low in the social scale of Afghan society, they can hold quite respected positions in their tribes. The H...

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...e Canada tend to not put others lives in perspective and to not think about what may or may not be happening to them. We are so fortunate to not be in a place where most people don’t starve to death and whole villages have to move because of bombing in their area or some other bad event to take place.

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