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Shamanism- The dictionary defines it as a religion practice by indigenous people. The people of far northern Europe and Siberia began practicing shamanism about 5000 years ago before religion. That is characterized by a belief in an unseen world of gods, demons, and ancestral spirits responsive only to the shamans. According to encyclopedia Britannica; Shamanism religion centers on a shaman person who achieves powers through trance or ecstatic religious experience. Although shaman’s repertoires differ from culture to the next, they are thought to have powers to heal the sick. A shaman is an intermediary between this world and the spirit world. Shamans practice ceremonial Rituals and helping people towards the shamanic path. The shamanism practices are rooted in nature and is a method human beings can strengthened that natural connection. Shamanism is considered one of mankind’s oldest branches of the pagan belief system with roots in prehistoric times. Generally agreed that shamanism originated from hunting and gathering groups. One of the oldest healer practices today. However, shamanism is also used more generally to describe indigenous groups.
Now the question is why the shamans existed? Can anybody be a shaman, can women be a shaman, and can teenagers be shaman, what’s the age requirement for being a shaman? According to Wikipedia to become a shaman was a calling, a dream a sign which requires lengthy training. The powers maybe inherited, a phenomenon called shamanistic initiatory crisis, another explanation on a path to becoming a shaman, a rite of passage for shamans to be commonly involving a physical illness or psychological crisis. The detailed case can be found in history of Chuonnasuan, the last mas...

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...s I mean I would hear inklings here and there about them. I did not know they resided in three mesas in northeast Arizona 70 miles of Flagstaff. The way they kept their lives and religion private I wouldn’t know if it wasn’t for Mr. Arnold. I believe it’s amazing everything is spoken and not written you really have to have a clear and healthy mind to pass on history to the next generation. It’s fascinating how talked about that shamanism is animism, and that animism the doctrine of the soul. So basically I think animism everything has a soul like trees, rivers, mountains and everything is full of gods. When he talked about incarnate and one day or in another life you might be a rabbit sound familiar. Something I learned from my mother’s religion Buddhism always talks about like if you do something bad or kill a certain thing you might return in the next life as it.

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