samurai and knights

616 Words2 Pages

Japan is 5,313 miles away from Europe, is it possible that both their warriors have similarities? After the Roman Empire fell, it left Europe in pieces. Around the globe, Japan faced the same problem. Clans were constantly fighting each other for power and land. To keep order in society, both Japan and Europe started a system called feudalism. Feudalism is when Lords gave some of their lands to lesser nobles, in exchange for military service. The nobles trained warriors to fight for their land. In exchange for land or food, the warriors swore loyalty to their noble. The warriors of Europe were the knights, where the warriors of Japan were the samurai. Samurai and Knights, where the similarities greater than the differences? Samurai and knights are more similar in these three areas, training, armor, social structure, and honor code.
The training of knights and samurai are actually very similar, and so is their armor. Samurai started to train in childhood, along with knights who started at four or five. They both learned some sort of sword fighting, Japan with bamboo and Europe with ...

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