online banking

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Jalal Hafidi MIS5206 .001– HDFC case analysis 1 1. What if anything should HDFC do to make existing customers more secure? First of all, all system can be compromised no matter what, impossible means it hasn’t done yet in IT field. HDFC is still fairly new in the market, with the technology trend, online banking will be the most challenging and vulnerable part of the game. HDFC seems to have pretty strong security system and procedures, however, its models still haven’t matured yet leading to maybe inconvenience to the customers and/or an opportunity for hackers to test and dust off their hacking skills. HDFC has identified its mission as becoming “a world class Indian bank” as good as it sounds from business perspective, hacker find this fun to break down. It will inevitably become a target for sophisticated attacks. HDFC is already having technology-intensive system in place to analyze transactions and assign risk rate to them, the higher the rate the more chances is a fraudulent. It is providing cool-period for transaction to be fully completed, it is using standard checks such...

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