new deal

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New Deal Essay
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation attacked the issue of the Great Depression in three ways: relief, recovery, and reform. The relief laws sought to bring immediate help to the millions who were without a job or having trouble surviving. These were often government subsidized programs that saved many from near starvation. Since Herbert Hoover rejected the idea of handing out government money to the people, many were on the brink of total failure when Roosevelt stepped in. So, the relief laws of the New Deal are often perceived as successful. But the government couldn’t afford to keep these programs in existence forever, so it needed a way to bring the economy back to health. Recovery legislation did just that, but its success was futile and took a long time to take effect. As a result this area of the New Deal is seen as the least productive component and is often the chief criticism of the legislation. In short, relief was successful in solving the immediate issues of the Great Depression and recovery was unsuccessful in solving long-term economic i...

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