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Sentencing and Appeals Process of the Criminal Justice System
The criminal justice system is a very complex system with so many branches. When people think about corrections they automatically think jails and prisons. Though that is not all it is the vast area in the criminal justice system that is responsible with managing anybody convicted of a criminal offense. In which an array of organizations, facilities, services, and programs are tailored to the treatment and punishment of criminal offenders. Corrections is a legal intervention to deter, to rehabilitate, to incapacitate, or simply to punish or achieve retribution. Clear, Cole, and Reisig (2013)
Sentencing policies consist of: Indeterminate a system of sentencing that legislature established that contains a minimum and maximum terms for every crime that can be committed. Judges will make decisions based on that guideline as to what the minimum and maximum sentences should be for each convicted offender. The offender should be locked up until there is enough proof that they have been rehabilitated. After their minimum sentence has been served the parole board has the authority to release them. Good-time laws grant offenders the opportunity to reduce the amount they serve by having good behavior while in prison. For both of these I am all for them especially since their focus is more on rehabilitation and motivating offenders to do better. Determinate sentences are fixed terms for particular crimes that a legislature has established. Hence taking away the discretion of judges in regard to sentencing. The judges no longer have any say in the length of the sentencing only whether they go to prison or not. Though this type of sentencing I don’t completely agree with for the si...

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...ument, when and if to drop the charges, and if plea bargaining is a viable option. Houghton (2014) Judges make condemning decisions affecting those indicted of crimes. Judges dictate if there is probable cause to issue a set bail, search or arrest warrant, accept guilty pleas, rule on pretrial motions and etc to name a few. Judges protect the interests of the public and safeguard the rights of the accused. Houghton (2014) Ultimately both the prosecutor and the judge carry and partake in immense roles when it comes to the criminal justice system. Though I would’ve thought that the judges would have more power when it comes down to everything yet the prosecutor is the one that truly has control where the trail can go. Depending also on their work ethic some may go strictly by the book and others could choose a more selfish personal approach to their stance in trial.

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