Censorship Is A Barrier In Our Society

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Censorship is an important barrier in our society today. The moral structure of society does depend on valid actions of censorship. Valid actions of censorship in advertisement, education, finances, and in the realm of science censorship is important. Due to history and present events have shown that it is warranted, this keeps a balance in the law of moral restraint. Without censorship there would be total chaos and anarchy throughout our society. An example would be back during the Roman period, their culture became morally corrupt, such as lack of honesty, no limits to their pleasure, and no integrity, such as being self-righteous. Regarding censorship the Bible says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” . Another Bible verse also says, “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them” . When it comes to children specially censorship should be held at high regards. When it comes to …show more content…

is delayed for 5 seconds. Most of the time famous people tend to act the way they want to regardless of the program that they are on. Such as the MTV music awards, live performances may consists of vulgar language being spoken, which has to be censored. They delay provides they to censor it without it being broadcasted to the masses, who don’t prefer hearing such language. Other T.V programs that are live have the same issues. Even recorded programs being shown is censored since major of society tends to not approve of obscenity being should on a national platform. Providing this censorship on live and recorded T.V. provides a guard that society needs so that it is not totally negative. Today censorship on live and recorded programs should be more enforced, such as taking vulgar language and obscenities out. The more society progresses the more they want to be open and more radical and

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