Youthful Indiscretions By Dana Fleming

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In “Youthful Indiscretions: Should Colleges Protect Social Network Users from Themselves and Others?” Dana Fleming presents an essay concerning the safety of social networking sites and how Universities can deal and prevent problems. This article is targeted towards school administrators, faculty, and a social networking user audience who will either agree or disagree with her statement. I believe Fleming presents an excellent, substantial case for why she reasons the way she does. Fleming gives a sound, logical argument according to Toulmin’s Schema. This essay has an evident enthymeme, which has a claim and reasons why she believes in that way. Toulmin refers to this as “grounds." The enthymeme seen throughout Fleming 's essay is that there should be more control of social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Myspace because of the dangers they are known to cause for young people. The author 's warrant is supported by enough "backing". Fleming made sure to cover all of her bases against her argument including several rebuttals. In Youthful Indiscretions, Dana Fleming presents a very convincing backing with the following phrase: “The dangers of online social networking transcends disciplinary actions and reputational harm. A 17-year-old Rhode Island girl was reportedly drugged and raped by three she …show more content…

This sentence is crucial to prove the dangers of social media which is Fleming 's main purpose in the grounds. This young man perhaps did not mean any harm from this comment, but how would his potential employers know that. I believe this student most likely regretted posting this comment at a time when he was not thinking correctly. Just like this ruined his career, many young people could have prevented many problems by simply being more careful with their social media

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