Xenotransplantation: A Solution to Organ Scarcity

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Xenotransplantation is the science of the future. By taking animal organs and putting them into humans, we eliminate the loss of life due to scarcity of human organ donations. No longer should the sick have to wait for their new organ because of the scarcity of human organs available to be transplanted.

Xenotransplantation has a greater depth than just taking an organ from one thing and tossing it into another. It is a very delicate and tricky process. The doctor has to find an animal that has a matching blood type as the recipient, and the animal also has to have the proper size organs as well. At first scientists and doctors turned to chimpanzees and our primate relatives for the organs. They had the perfect size organs for humans, and it was believed to be a good animal to test on. It was later discovered that …show more content…

It is within the realm of capability of science to transfer the organs of one species to another. There have been tests and trials for the safety of xenotransplantation, and in one case a girl with heart problems received a baboon heart. She survived for twenty-one more days because the transplant was supposed to be temporary but there wasn’t an available human heart for her to receive. The heart was also the wrong blood type because type O blood type is rare for baboons. If she had gotten a heart with the correct ABO blood type, then the results would have been different. Even with the wrong heart, she could have survived if the wait list for the heart she was meant to get wasn’t so long. “A worldwide shortage of organs for clinical implantation causes about 20–35% of patients who need replacement organs to die on the waiting list”. With xenotransplantation, the wait list of organs would not be nearly as long, and less people would die from organ failure without a

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