Wuthering Heights Essay - Is Heathcliff truly evil?

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Wuthering Heights Essay - Is Heathcliff truly evil? I think with the modern understanding of the way childhood affects one's whole perception of life and the world, we would be arrogant to call Heathcliff evil. Without a doubt Heathcliff is an anomaly. Lockwood initially describes him as "a dark skinned gypsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman". The first view we have of heathcliff is as dark, handsome, gentlemanly and morose. These qualities, coupled with his 'Lord of the manner' apparel may invoke in the reader popular evil characters such as 'Count Dracula'. We must investigate deeper the moody and mysterious Heatchliff in order to answer our question. In Nelly Dean's story, Mr. Earnshaw brings back a "dirty, ragged, black haired child" found abandoned. Although his origin remains mysterious, we can guess that it was not good. It also seems that he learned to manipulate the family early on. "Conscious he had only to speak and all the house would be obliged to bend to all his wishes" Nelly Dean says. We know now what sorts of behaviours are exhibited ...

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