Write A Narrative Essay About Moving Away

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When I was five, I moved from Chicago to Dallas. I didn’t completely understand why we needed to, because I thought we were doing just fine in Illinois. Moving meant that I’d leave behind friends I’ve known for years. I’d lose Sam and Cecilia, who I hung out with at preschool and roleplayed as Pokemon during recess. I’d leave behind Ana, whose mothers were the kindest I had ever met. I’d never say good morning to Miss Eva ever again, who would always play Yellow Submarine on her guitar, and all the kids would sit in a circle, listening to the song. Leaving the people I was growing up with behind would leave me distressed. In the end, I had no say in the outcome. At five years old, I didn’t comprehend the reason why my family had to move and would throw tantrum after tantrum to convince my parents that we should stay. That didn’t work. After all the tearful goodbyes, My father packed as much furniture into his black Camry Toyota as it could fit, had the larger furniture brought to Dallas by movers, and herded me and my three year old sister into the car. …show more content…

By the time we arrived to the temporary apartment, my parents were sick of the screaming and squirming of two little kids who had so much energy they had sixth winds instead of just two. We settled down as my mom decided to enroll me in the nearby kindergarten. I wasn’t ecstatic to establish friendship with others. Wanting to just stay at home and play with my sister all day, I bargained with my mother to homeschool me. My mother wouldn’t have any of that, and told me that I’d begin classes in two

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