Wrestling With Steroids Summary

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Through doing research on athletes steroid abuse, I found the article about wrestlers who are HIV-positive and why they need to use steroids. This article is title Wrestling with Steroids by Todd Henneman. A wrestler had to take steroids prescribed by a doctor but the athlete worried that it would disqualify them from the tournament. This was due to steroids mostly being used to enhance performance. The officials wanted the game to be balanced between rules and competition. But gay sporting events created a problem because many athletes were prescribed steroids, due to having AIDS. At the event people were taking the rule lightly and cause almost everyone to fail their test. At the 2002 Gay Games, two wrestlers were injured due to roid rage. The organizers are focusing on wrestling and powerlifting, putting different divisions, standard, where the athletes have to take a drug test, and two other divisions where they don’t …show more content…

The problem with this, is athlete will take the advantage of this and take it enhance their performance. Thus, creating for the organizer of having a hard time to find the difference between legal and illegal use of steroids. Athletes who have AIDs need to use steroids because it prevents them from wasting syndrome and depression. Though most would say that there are no positives of steroids, this article brought up the fact that there are people who are athletes, who need steroids to be able to compete. These athletes love their sport and risk so much in order to compete. In Wrestling with steroid it states “In any other circumstances it would be considered a performance-enhancing drug, but it was prescribed for another reason.” This athlete feared being disqualified because he would fail his drug test. But he didn’t use it to enhance is performance, he used it to keep his disease at bay. Making sure it wouldn’t get between him and his

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