World State And The Pursuit Of Happiness

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The World State society brings happiness to the masses, but not individuals. The children of the World State are conditioned, from birth and beyond, to be happy in the World State and not seek truths. This means the State is ill-equipped to deal with individuals who are not pleased with the mass happiness. These individuals would rather have truth than the facile facade presented to them. There is nothing wrong with the State, as it is meant to keep people happy. It succeeds, but once the system is exposed to an individual, someone cynical and disillusioned enough to look past the veil, the system begins to fail.
Every citizen of the World State is programmed from birth to be a perfect piece, someone who is entirely content in their position …show more content…

Once an individual begins seeking truth in the system, it falls apart, and the happiness is uncovered as completely unsubstantial. These people, like Bernard and Hemholtz, are ostracized and mocked due to their strange ways. Society cannot process them, so it chooses to reject them. The society of the World State is not designed to handle individuals who question the happiness they are given.
Once someone tries to find the truth, they are disillusioned with the society. Truth can make one cynical, and remove happiness from their life. In the pursuit of truth, one will find the happiness they once had is harder and harder to achieve. In the World State, few are supposed to care about the truth, and so they are left happy. Inversely, if someone does begin seeking for enlightenment, the society’s happiness can no longer sate them.
The World State’s society is perfect in form, and fully fulfills the roll it’s given. It is formulated to bring happiness to the programmed masses, and it does this superbly. The problem lies in the individuals who attempt to find truth in the system, and become disillusioned. Once someone tries to discover truth, they will no longer accept the vapid entertainment force fed to them, and it throughs society out of balance. The World society does it job, but individuals will poke holes in

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