World Relief Case Study

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My time at World Relief has come to a close or at least for now. After over two hundred hours spent with this organization over the course of an internship and volunteer hours I have gained a multitude of knowledge. I have been able to thoroughly compare and contrast the variations between World Relief and some of the other organizations I have worked for. World Relief opened my eyes to new possibilities, challenged me to learn new skills, and also made me more observant to conflicts as well. World Relief does a phenomenal job of demonstrating Block’s (2008) idea of “Bringing Hospitality into the World” by constantly welcoming new employees, volunteers, interns, and refugees into the office (p.145). The office dynamic is always adapting to people and ideas that work best for intercultural communication and efficiency. Although we live in a, “western culture, where individualism and security seem to be priorities” World Relief and similar organizations …show more content…

The same concept applies to World Relief. Due to the number of refugees coming in sometimes it gets hectic. For instance when I made a run to the thrift store the staff struggled to find a family that needed to go and was available during the specific time frame. The office assistant mentioned a need for some type of system to better organize. This is one of the conflicts that arises often in this type of work refugees that are scheduled to come in do as well as other refugees who just need assistance. Therefore, making sure no one has the vans signed out, the right documentation is ready, and that refugees arrive on time to appointments can sometimes be a struggle with multiple people having different tasks that day. Luckily, everyone in the office is instilled with patience and are flexible to always come up with an alternative plan if

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