Word Choices In The Peace Of Wild Things By Wendell Berry

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Albert Einstein once said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Now Einstein was no poet but he shared this inclination with the author of “The Peace of Wild Things.” Wendell Berry’s poem, he uses a simple diction, the series of word choice, and birds to suggest that life among humans can be tedious and stressful; he recommends the cure for the anxieties humans experience is to be in nature where things are at peace. This poem is not complex, the language is simplistic and straightforward. In fact, no word written exceeds two syllables which is somewhat odd in a writing style known for it’s splendiferous word choices. However, this is not to suggest that Berry’s word choices were not splendiferous in their own right. With simple language, he is able to convey a sense of peacefulness that is best shown in lines 8 through 11, “…I come into the presence of still …show more content…

He begins, “When the despair of the world grows in me,” (1). Clearly Berry is painting a bleak picture for the start of his poem. He does this through the choice of particular words that are meant to elicited certain emotional responses. “Despair” is the first emotion the author describes which helps show us how negative he is feeling. He continues, “and I wake in the night at the least sound,” (2). By describing being awoken in the night Berry not only illustrates an allusion to not being able to sleep properly but also uses the word “night” it also conveys a feeling of being uncomfortable or dark. After these immediate anxieties are expressed Berry moves into the use of more calming language. This language begins in line 4/5, “I go and lie down where the wood drake / rests his beauty on the water…” Immediately, you are struck by the change in tone from the first three lines of the poem. By using words like “lie down” and “rest” Berry puts the reader at ease and conveys a sense of

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