Women's Roles In The Handmaid

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n Handmaid’s tale novel we can discuss about women’s role. The key to the whole program is using other women to train and control them. It is hard to go against your own kind, when Son’s of Jacob took over, they knew that if they use male, it would not be workable because women could easily seduce the males to get their own way. "Something could be exchanged... We still had our bodies."(p. 4). By using other women as known as the Aunts, they could tell the women that they understood and knew what it was like, and that all this was for their own good, to keep them safe and make their world a better place. Aunts usually were very strict; they could use force to Handmaids. According to Offred “they had eclectic cattle prods slung on thongs from their leather belts”. (p.4). In addition, there are many of these training facilities such as Red centers, where the women trains by Aunts to be handmaidens. In other words, to be thought to bear children for wives who were no longer capable of childbirth. Older …show more content…

For example, Marthas are permanent, but a handmaid changes every three years, if they lasted that long. For Handmaid’s becoming pregnant is always first therefore they(Government) need them. Government just uses Handmaid’s as a silent birthing machine by using ceremonies. “She shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her. And so on and so forth” (p. 88). The children of the handmaids are usually become the daughters and marry off to the soldiers and begin reproducing as soon as possible. “She's in good hands, they said” (p.39). Wives have only the duty of staying home and to be hostess, tending the garden, and knitting scarves for the men(Angels) in the front lines. (p.12). For example, Serena used to show up on televisions and give some speech, but now, "She stays in her home, but it doesn’t seem to agree with her. How furious she must be, now that she’s been taken at her word."(p.

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