Women’s Rights in Turkey

526 Words2 Pages

Turkey is one of the most unique countries in the world. It started out as a piece of the Ottoman Empire which began to slowly crumble after the reign of Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent ended in 1566. During the over three hundred years before World War I started, the Empire was declining economically, politically, and geographically. At the Beginning of World War I, the Turkish people sided with the Germans in the war. Their choice resulted in the Allied powers (the United States, England, and France) having full military control of the Turkey by the end of the First World War. In 1923, the Turkish people got rid of Sultan leadership and became a republic and had their first president, Kemal Atatürk. Under Kemal, the country started to become a more secular country. To signify this they reduced the control of Islam in the country and changed the written language from the Arabic alphabet to the Latin alphabet. During most of the Second World War, Turkey remained a neutral power, but nearing the end of the fight the Turkish people decided to help in the fight against Germany and J...

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