Women's Rights In The 1960s

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The revival of women’s liberation over the United States in the 1960s introduced a progression of changes to the circumstances that still today have an effect. In women’s personal conditions, and in the media, 1960s women’s activists roused remarkable changes in the structure of our society, changes with expansive political, cultural and economic outcomes. Probably the most critical achievements of these activists for female empowerment were: the feminine mystique, consciousness raising groups, protests, women’s liberation groups, the National Organization for Women (NOW), use of contraceptives, lawsuits for equal pay, fighting for reproductive freedom, the first women’s studies department, and opening the workplace for women. In 1960’s societies, women were seen as lesser than the male population and the weaker sex. Men did not …show more content…

They could not even think for themselves. A woman was had to follow one path, which was to marry young, start a family soon after getting married, and devote her life to homemaking. On average, women spent more than 50 hours each week on household chores. While doing all the household chores, cleaning the house from top to bottom, women had to still look physically attractive for their husbands. They also had to indulge to their husband’s every aspiration and every need without complaining. Women had no legal rights to any of their spouse’s property or profit, however, husbands would control their wife’s income and property. If the wife worked, the husband had control of everything as well. So, if the wife did or did not work, she could not have any access to her money without consulting her husband first. If the marriage was not doing well, divorce was hard to acquire, and the women were forced to demonstrate bad behavior in order to get a divorce. The American women who worked in the 1960’s were limited to jobs such as nurses, teachers, secretaries, or beauticians/cosmetologist and that was made up of only 38

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