Women's Fashion In The 1930s

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In the Dirty Thirties women’s fashion changed a lot in the 1930s. In the 1920s dresses didn’t have any curves. However, in the 1930s belts would be tightened around the waist and dresses were made to show curves more. Another thing that was changing were the skirt lengths and over the time they slowly decreased in length. In the 20s they would make the garments finished and new. Unlike in the 30s, designers and stores would sell their dresses and skirts unfinished. Selling the things unfinished made the item affordable. Then when women had to buy them all they needed was sewing skills to sew the hems and the other missing pieces. The women’s accessary changed a bit. Women started wearing dark nail polish than matching that with dark lipstick. Makeup started to be used a lot more too. Products like powder, rouge, mascara, and numerous stars were their accessories. Women couldn’t afford real …show more content…

In contrast the 20s used to be mostly consisting of wide trousers. The thing they changed in the 1930s was they started matching the women and making their pants more of a slim fit also. They made the legs straighter and the hips tighter on the pants. In the 1930s, mostly young men would use the slim style but the idea that both ages did agree on was the pants zipper. One of the main things that changed life as it is today is shirtless bathing suits. In the year 1920 the beaches required a two-piece bathing suits for the men. Alternatively, this man named sears, roebuck invented the shirtless bathing suits. His idea over ran the idea of two-piece bathing suits so men started to wear one piece bathing suits. Another thing that changed was the way they shaved. In the 20s men would buy razors and they would also have to use soap to shave them. However, during 1931 they invented the electrical shavers which had a tiny little motor in it. Men didn’t even care if it was expensive they were a big hit in the

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