Women in Othello: Gender Roles in Elizabethan England

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In modern society women have equal respect from men. Women do not need to be compliant to men and are free to express themselves. Although some pockets of discrimination exist in present-day society, it was not the same in Elizabethan England The disrespect that women received was unparalleled. Different levels of society bolstered this dramatic inequality of people, especially women to new heights. William Shakespeare writes influential books on the life of people living in Europe in the Elizabethan time period. William Shakespeare's Othello shows the identity of women to portray the injustice of unequal status of women expecting them to be blindly obedient to men.
The identity of women mirrors how society portrays them. A woman can be identified as the results of her action. When Othello marries Desdemona, she became his "captain's captain"(II.i.74); however, Othello chats with Iago, a trusted male comrade, he discovers that his captain has allegedly committed adultery with other men. Othello goes as far as to "strike his wife."(IV.i.270) The violent outcome became her downfall. The male-oriented society can greatly impact the identity of women. Desdemona was portrayed as a very noble woman; however, as Othello changed his view on her it started to destroy her identity in the relationship. Desdemona had great respect for Othello; even guides his decisions. Her treatment was honourable until Othello was tricked and the degradation of Desdemona began. Women do unlawful feats in a Christian society. When Desdemona dropped her handkerchief "by negligence" Emilia "to the advantage… took't up "(III.ii.313-314) and did not return it. She can be seen as a common thief. As a woman is seen not law abiding, it can only be compared to a ...

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...his effect can ruin the respect of a woman from men. A big role in gender inequality is that woman are manipulated to believe men are gods, which they are not. The impact that men are considered as gods only devalues the life of a woman. Even as death approaches, the obedience that the woman have is extraordinary. They show their true loyalty to men. Although some men torment women mentally, the woman is obligated to be loyal. This only makes women suffer even though it is the fault of men. The contents of this book show the reality that was in the past. As humans develop their intelligence, the equality, identity and loyalty to a woman should be equal to men. The woman has great power in society since behind every great man is an even greater woman.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William, and Roma Gill. Oxford School Shakespeare. Glasgow: Oxford UP, 2009. Print

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