Women Wear Veil

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Being forced to wear the veil, taught Marjane that women are always being sexualized by men. In order to keep men in line a women needs to cover her hair so it does not distract them. This is expressed in the book in a broadcast over the television. This means that women are being sexualized without the veil which is a problem when you start forcing school girls to wear the veil for this reason because that means minors are being sexualized. Also if a women is caught not in hr veil in public she can be imprisoned. Marjane thinks the veil is oppressive and should not be mandatory to wear, but at the same time she respects the rights of any women who wishes to wear the veil. She believes its a choice and just always be a choice. The veil only …show more content…

According to Mona Eltahawy, a feminist, in Islam it is hard to come out as a survivor of sexual assault, because it comments on the men of Islam and people of different cultures already think poorly of them, there they are feeding in to Islamaphobia. The actions of a few do not define a whole culture. These women are accused of making the men of their culture look bad (Eltahawy). What these women really need is to come out and be supported and helped. This is hard in a patriarchy society. When all the men have the power to control women and the help and reaction thy will receive after coming out with this is a problem. This is another modern day example …show more content…

Before leaving she was into activism and protesting but upon return she starts following the rules. She had a rough three months in Europe and in that time freedom did not look so good. So she starts following Iran laws again, almost as a way to return to the comforts she once knew in order to find the life she left behind, but that life no longer exists. Too much has happened between now and that life. She even settles down with a man and marries him. The reason she marries him is more of a way to be able to be with him in public than because she truly loved him. A culture that you are socialized to not be able to be intimate with someone till marriage might make some settle down with the wrong people just to try to see if the relationship will work, but when it does not work out, than the man again as all the power to say whether they can get divorced or not. Another thing in Islam that can hinder women’s freedoms. In American society today many move in with their partner to test run marriage. Some people realize they can not live together and break up, that relationship was not meant to be. With many rules surrounding how you can interact with the opposite sex in Iran many couples might get married and live unhappy or the husband will be the one who demands the divorce. Marjane was secretly having relations with her first husband as an act of rebellion, but when she wanted to live with him she had to marry him. Her father knew it

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