Women Employment Rise During World War I

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Women Employment Rise During World War I Largely ignored by the Government, women did not become involved in war work on a huge scale until after the first year of war. To begin with their growth in the workplace was confined to the munitions factories and voluntary work. However, women wanted to do more than simply knit socks and raise money for the boys at the Front. Their chance came after the famous 'Shell Scandal' in 1915 which increased the need for army recruits, and directed attention for a drastic increase in munitions production. Lloyd George enlisted the help of the well-known Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, to help advertise the need for female labour. In July 1915 she successfully organised a demonstration to march in the name of a woman's 'right to serve'. After the introduction of military conscription in March 1916 the need for female labour became even more vital and the Government began to encourage the employment of women, to fill in imperative gaps. The types of work that women became involv...

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