Wohpe And The Gift Of The Ppe Summary

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Lakota tribe are part of the larger Sioux nation. In the story “Wohpe and the Gift of the Pipe” an origin story that tells of Wohpe and the scared pipe. According to our textbook the Wohpe, is “the mythical White Buffalo (Calf) Woman who brings the scared pipe to the Lakota” tribe (48). The story relates to two young men who go in search of Wohpe. While encountering her one of the two boys disobeyed her instructions and had is life extinguished. The remaining boy was given a message for the council to look for “four puffs of smoke at midday” (49). The four puffs of smoke are a representation of the scared number of four to many native American tribes. The tribe was to prepare a feast upon her arrival and if they did as she said their prayers …show more content…

As long as the tribe would continue to follow the instructions and offer up their prayers to the Wohpe she would be their spiritual guide. The Pima tribe of the southwest area of our county believed that there was no earth, no water – nothing (52). According to our textbook only a person Juh-wert-a-Mah-kai (The Doctor of the Earth) (52). He just floated as there was nowhere for him to stand. “The Story of Creation” speaks of how Juh-wert-a-Mah-kai created a world for the people to live on. He first created the world, as where would the inhabitants live if they had no earth or water? He was not happy with his new people and felt the need to collapse the sky and start all over again. The story relates of the value that the Native Americans put on nature and the spirit world and that if one is not right with the spirits and the land then their life might not be to the expectation of …show more content…

While the letter is officially addressed to the King and Queen of Spain and those benefactors that supported his venture, it is clear that through his letter that he was trying to glorify the voyage and himself and the opportunities that lay waiting for those with the financial and adventurous means. Columbus characterizes himself as a god like figure that was sent to these simple people. He expounds on the fact that while he did have to use force at times, he was gainfully exercising good will to the people by supplying them with whatever materials he had on board the three ships. Also, he made it clear that he ran a tight ship by not allowing his crew members to take advantage of the new population he has

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