William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

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William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

In the love story "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare, the young

couple’s undeniable love pushes them to the extremes of marriage and

death in the face of their ancient family feud. These are

“Star-crossed lovers” and this theme of chance and fate is ever

present in the play. Shakespeare directs the audience to this theme by

introducing it so early in his prologue. The audience, knowing what

will happen, can focus on the elements of fate and the ominous

warnings throughout the tragic story.

From the beginning the lovers are doomed and the play begins in

ominous violence as the two families, the Capulets and the Montagues,

brawl in the streets.

“If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay to forfeit

the peace.” This exclamation by the prince is fateful because, if he

hadn’t said this Romeo would not have been banished for killing Tybalt

later on in the story. Another aspect of fate is his love of Rosaline,

which is not returned; he would not have met Juliet, if Rosaline had

loved him as well. Another element of chance and fate occurs where a

servant cannot read the Capulet ball guest list and ends up

approaching Romeo for help, and as Romeo wants to see Rosaline he

jumps at the chance. The ball is by chance, masked and allows Romeo to

enter the Capulet house.

The next event leading from the ball, which has aspects of fate to it,

is the meeting the day after the Capulet family ball. This part of the

play is overwhelming with love but the intense foreboding overshadows


‘I fear too early for my mind misguides some consequence yet hanging

in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this night

reveals, and expire the term of a despised life closed in my breast By

some night forfeit of untimely death’

This shows the fear Romeo has just before he attends the ball.

Shortly after the ball scene commences Romeo and Juliet meet for the

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