William Harvey Research Paper

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William Harvey was born on April 1st, 1578 in Folkestone, England; he was the oldest of nine children. “William Harvey was the first person to correctly describe blood’s circulation through the body” (Famous Scientist). “Harvey entered the University of Pauda in 1599” (Wikipedia). He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine on April 25th, 1602. Also he got his Degree of Doctor of Medicine the same year from the University of Cambridge. Harvey went to London and joined the Collage of Physicians in October of 1604. William married Elizabeth Browne and they had no children. He accepted a job at St. Bartholomew's Hospital and worked there for almost the rest of his life. He became Physician in charge at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in 1609. In 1615, he also became the College of Physicians’ Lumleian Lecturer where he taught surgery. He gave a series of lectures, while continuing his work at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. In 1618 Harvey had gotten recognition as the best physician in London and was given the job, as physician to King James, in 1632 he became physician to King Charles. …show more content…

Hieronymus Fabricius, a surgeon and a scientist, tutored William Harvey. Fabricius discovered that veins in the human body have one-way valves. Harvey proved that the heart pumps blood through the body by observing hearts of small animals and fish. “He also found valves in the veins, and correctly identified them as restricting the flow of blood in one direction. He developed the first complete theory of the circulation of blood, believing that it was pushed throughout the body by the heart's contractions” (Wolfram Research). He published his observations in 1628. William Harvey also wrote a book called “Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium” which was published in

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