William Bouuerau The Elder Sister

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“The Elder Sister” by William Bouguereau shows the relationship between an uncaring, but trying to save face to pretend like she cares, elder sister and a sleepy younger brother. This can be a relatable relationship between many younger and older siblings. It shows how on the outside, in public thee elder sister pretends like she is having fun being the elder sister. In reality, on the inside, in private the elder sister doesn’t really want to be the older sister that has to take care of her younger baby, feed the younger brother, take all the blame, and have all the burdens of being the older sibling. The way her composure is, the look in her eyes, and emotionless smile all convey these feelings and emotion of the girl. In the painting of “The Elder Sister” there is a girl, the elder sister, sitting on a rock, holding a baby, the younger brother, on her lap. The background of the painting shows a harmonious, peaceful rural landscape setting. The girl’s eyes, which are looking straight at the audience, depicts confidence. The way the girl’s eyes look, demonstrates that she is tired of being an elder sister. The composure of the way the elder sister is sitting looks slouched, conveys to the audience …show more content…

He tries to convey to his audience the relationship of a loving older sister and a sleepy younger brother. Bouguereau catches your attention by evoking the realism of the emotional and caring relationship of two younger and older siblings. He uses colors of green to show full growth of grass and trees, uses white and a blueish type color to show it as day time. Both siblings are fully clothed, but have no shoes on while outside, which may represent them as the poor. The facial expression of the elder sister looks sarcastic, but peaceful. The older sister smile seems to be sarcastic but the same time want to keep the peace, therefore she puts up a sarcastic

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