Why White Parents Don T Talk About Race Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter three of Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman’s book NurtureShock titled “Why White Parents Don’t Talk About Race”, I found enlightening and highly interesting. This chapter summarizes and discusses several studies in which elementary students were examined/observed on the topic of race.
It has always been thought that racism is a taught and learned behavior, however this chapter provided evidence otherwise. White parents often try to make their child “color-blind” by not discussing race. They do this in hopes that if it is not made into a big deal, children will not focus on it. However, just because parents do not talk about it does not mean children do not recognize different races. When a parent does not discuss race, the child is left to their own observations to make assumptions about race. Developmentally, children use a single characteristic to categorize things around them into groups. This aids children in understanding and learning about the world around them. For parents who avoid the topic of race, this innate tendency to group people becomes problematic because differences in race are …show more content…

A study showed that specific cross racial training made a difference in opinions during 1st grade but made little impact during a 3rd grade period. It is suggested that discussing race early and directly is what considerable decreases racism in children. Bronson and Merryman’s research revealed that white parents were too ambiguous when talking about race with their children. Parents would use phrases like “Everyone is equal” and would not directly discuss racial differences. However, children do not understand the true intention of what the parent is saying because the message is too vague. Therefore, the parent believes they are teaching their child equality when in reality the child is not able to fully comprehend what the parent is

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