Why We Should Vote

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The Importance of why we should Vote Election time is always one of the most controversial topics of the year. Basically, when a new beginning starts and changes in many ways. In ways that could result either good or bad for us. Its having to be in a moment where our vote does count and how it makes an impact to our future. We decide the way things go and how we support the change we want in our society. Having the ability to vote is a privilege to making an opinion of how our government should run and by who. It’s putting our voice to be heard as well as doing it for those who can’t legally vote. Even if the options of who we want to vote for are not always going to be it. Trough the path of voting also comes having the ability to help our society decide what kind of plans we want in our future. An example of that can be college tuition being less, benefits for those who are undocumented, or the Health Program. Being able to come together and decide new decisions is what makes voting important. Those benefits that can happen with our vote, …show more content…

Voting is important to each and one of us by speaking our mind to what we need in our society. Each vote that happens is simply for a change in our futures and lives. Without our votes, there can be many consequences. For example, not liking the outcome we might get or not being able to actually give our opinion. Our side in politics will always affect our daily life, another reason why voting is important. As 2016 being the year where we elect a new President came across, there was a lot of controversy between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The importance of our vote at this time was high, because of how our votes would have such a big impact to where we hope for things to only get better. From having to choose to two different people that think so different. Basically relate to them or what they want to

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