Why We Should Be Involved In Space Exploration

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The United States should be involved in major exploration of the ocean. For over 60 years we have been exploring space with some success. Ocean exploration has also been around for that same time, but has not gotten a lot of attention. There should be a bigger focus on ocean exploration than space exploration because we can use the resources of the ocean for energy, for medicines, and much more.
By exploring the ocean we can create energy as a resource. Energy can be created from offshore wind. The energy can be created by wind turbines. The wind power can help reduce air pollution. In the article, Why Exploring the Ocean is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap, by Phillipe Cousteau, he states “that a great deal of energy- from offshore wind, to OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation), to wind and wave energy- is yet untapped in our oceans.” (Page 194). This is important because power from offshore wind can help reduce energy imports because we would be producing our own. The energy plants would create new jobs. The energy that we can produce from ocean exploration will benefit us and the world. …show more content…

Researchers are able to find new sources for medical drugs by exploring the deep sea. Scientists can use these discoveries for things like the treatment of cancer and HIV. Cousteau states, “Consider that AZT, an early treatment for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge.” (Page 194). This quote is a good example of the medical benefits that can be found in the ocean. It is important to continue to explore because many discoveries can be made to help cure diseases. By exploring the ocean we can help find a cure to many diseases and treat

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