Why Waterboarding Should Not Continue

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Imagine you have just been brought into a small, gray room. In the middle of it, you see a chair; Almost like a dentist chair. The interrogator straps you in it so you can’t move. You feel hopeless as your arms and legs are being strapped to the table. They recline you backwards so your feet are above your head. Then, they take a wet towel and slap it over your head. Your breath starts to get louder, louder, and louder until it feels like you can’t breath. Then, the water comes. Down your mouth, nose, and into your lungs. You are coughing and trying to ask for mercy but you can’t say anything. The water keeps coming while the interrogator screams at you. You feel helpless and you feel the life sucking out of you. Waterboarding should not continue …show more content…

One example of this is it scars people for life. Remy Mauduit was waterboarded and this is how he explained his experience. “I was stripped, beaten, deprived of sleep, water and food, and forced to lie on the floor, feet raised with my head slightly below the level of my feet. A piece of soaked cloth was thrown on my face, and fetid water was poured through the cloth to slowly drip into my mouth. This technique causes the fluid to build in your lungs. A key element of waterboarding is the ability to bring the interrogated to the verge of death without actually killing the person. That is what makes a good “interrogator.” I was lucky in this regard; my torturers were masters of their trade.” Also, they make waterboarding seem better than it actually is. For example the interrogators refer to Waterboarding as controlled drowning; When it is really just torture. Another thing is, Waterboarding is entire process. First, they don’t let you eat anything for a few days so you are weak. After that, they give you twenty-four hour supervision. Then, they ask you one more time if you will tell them the information they need to know, and if you say no, they will waterboard

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