Why The Holocaust Will Never Happen Again

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Everyone has a different lifestyle; however what if one day they were all taken to a place where they worked for their life. If they were weak they died, if they were women most died, child most likely died, and what if they died for no apparent reason at all except killed due to their opinion or belief. For example, “Babies were thrown into the air and the machine gunners used them as targets (4).” The Holocaust is one of the top horrific things that has happened in our past that we never want to repeat. “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.” By learning from our past, learning from our mistakes, and working our hardest never to repeat the Holocaust it is evident that we would insure the Holocaust would never happen in the future. For this reason, the book Night states the catastrophic events that happened in some of the concentration camps while the Holocaust was occurring. The author Elie Wiesel never wants the Holocaust to happen again; therefore, he wrote a book to sway people and educate people about the occurring things that happened during the Holocaust. “It happened, so it can happen again. That is the essence of what we have to say (Primo Levi).” With the recurring feeling of guilt throughout the book motivates people to watch the future and not to be bystanders if anything pops up that seems any sense of the Holocaust. …show more content…

The Holocaust also shows us what happens when we stop seeing people as people; when we fail to see a person as a unique individual. “The death of a one person is a tragedy. The death of a million people is a statistic.” It is human nature to comprehend this way, and in the hands of an evil person, it can cause utter devastation. But in the hands of the good, can save lives and change the world. Never forget the Holocaust, and the book Night has shown us why the Holocaust should never come

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