Why The Future Doesn T Need Us By Bill Joy

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Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us
In the article, “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us”, Bill Joy expresses a powerful pessimism about the dangers of technologies that may be developed later in our century. The author examines how significant advancements and development of new technologies poses a greater danger for humanity of the 21st century since the era of the industrial revolution. He uses the correlation between previous advancements in nuclear, biological and chemical technologies to the ever increasing dependence on genetics, nanotechnology and robotics (GNR) as the new vision for the 21st century technology. Despite the perceived dangers of these technologies, Joy expresses a muted optimism about humans’ ability to use ethical principles to avoid those dangers.
Joy analyzes how humanity gradually transitioned from its previous desires to advance nuclear, biological and chemical technologies of the 20th century. He describes how advancements in weapons of mass destruction were a byproduct of the cold war and the need of major military powers and large governments to assert ...

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