Why Teenagers Should Not Have A Curfew

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If a teenager did not have a strict curfew they would be out with friends till they felt like coming home. There is know reason why a teenager should be out past 10 p.m. on weekdays when they have school the next day. Another reason would be that if the teenager is not home the parents might not know where their child is and they might get worried. In the end if the child is home earlier then they are safe. Finally teenagers that are out past curfew might be getting in trouble with their friends. On weekdays and weekends most stores close at 11 p.m. meaning teenagers that have a curfew past that time wont have any place to go with friends. with that being said having a curfew at 10 p.m. on weekdays is a great idea. Another reason why teenagers should not be out past 10 p.m. on weekdays is because they have school the next day and their is absolutely know reason to be out that late if they have school the next day Most of the time teenagers are hitting the town with their friends and their parents might not have any clue where their …show more content…

just imagine if a persons child is out past 10 p.m. on a weekday and the parent has no idea where there child is. But what if we had a law passed saying all teenagers had to be home by 10 p.m. on weekdays and be home by midnight on weekends witch is a nice compromise if you think about it. But in the end if this law was passed teenagers would be home safe with their parents and loved ones. Some people might say all teenagers are good and never get in any kind of trouble. But lets be honest not all teenagers are not perfect. Some teenagers get in all kinds of trouble starting with skipping ending with stealing. If we don't pass a law soon about curfew their is know telling what kind of trouble a student might get in from staying

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