Why Shakespeare's Macbeth Is To Blame

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A lot of terrible trials and difficulties happen to people in this world. There really isn’t any one person to blame in some situations, but in the play Macbeth you can only lay the blame on one sole person, which is Macbeth. In the play Macbeth we see three main reasons why Macbeth is to blame for his own downfall, he has his own agency, and no one chooses to do anything for him. He also has a conscious and he decides wither to listen to it or not. To end he didn’t just stop killing people after he was king, no he continued to kill more people without strong reason. In the play Macbeth we see that Macbeth is to blame for his downfall because he has his own agency and ultimately he chooses to kill Duncan. We realize as we read through the …show more content…

We all have a conscious, some call it the soul while others say it is just our brain but either way it is described on Dictionary.com as “The inner sense of what is right or wrong in ones conduct or motives” Or in other words your conscious tells you if what you are doing is right or if it is wrong. Macbeth has a conscious; however by the end of the play he no longer can hear it. Dr. Jeff Ronne depict in his article Free Will that “Your thought and actions are a product of your prior existence and observation”. He is basically saying that how a person lives for a small amount of time can and will become how that person is all the time. This is what has happened to Macbeth, he stopped listening to his conscious and gradually over time he changes to where he can no longer hear it and this causes him to develop into a monster. He becomes a monster when he tells his wife “The very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my hand” (Act 4 Scene 1 lines 147, 148). This tells us a lot about Macbeth’s mental state. The first dreadful thought his heart comes up with is what his hands will do. This tells us that it is his heart that has turned evil. Another idea it tells us is that he no longer believes he can be saved so he is just going to continue killing people. Showing us that his conscious no longer exists and if it does it is so distant in his heart he no longer …show more content…

In the article A Biblical Theology of the Human Conscience Jim Eckman states “A human being may actually be sincerely following a wrong moral standard that deepens convictions about the “rightness” of certain action”. This could have been Macbeth. He could have been enticed by all the greed so that he could see how awful it was, and then repented, for lack of a better word, and seen his wrongdoing and become a restored person. This however is not what happens at all. Instead Macbeth tells his wife that “I am in blood stepped so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’ver”(Act 3 Scene 4 Lines 137-139) Macbeth feels that he has killed to many people and feels to much guilt to ever be able to return to the way he was. Macbeth just gives up and keeps killing people instead of trying to fix what he was done wrong. Therefor you could only rightly blame him for his own

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