Why Pride Is Nothing To Be Proud Of

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The Good and Bad of Pride
As people grow into adults and experience things that help us grow and have more knowledge in doing things, which lead into accomplishing more; we have pride in it, in what was accomplished. When we feel the need to have something to give or say to make us look good it's almost as we are envisioning what will happen from the beginning of doing so. But what if having to much pride is bad for us.

If we are already envision something that will give us the feeling of pride, then are we prideful and expecting the respect from others? In article one “why pride is nothing to be proud of” it states that the merriam webster dictionary say pride is “ a positive one is a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to …show more content…

But vulnerability is something that you would have when your in love or in another instinct where you easily get hurt or easily proven wrong. But pride is something where you feel you shouldn't be wrong or miss view in all aspects of life. In the article “ Why Pride is Nothing to be Proud Of” by John Amodeo it states pride prevents us from acknowledging our human vulnerability. The shame that drives pride makes us too uncomfortable to say, i'm sorry, i was wrong, i made a mistake.” When pride kicks in we are putting others in a situation where they don't want to be by a know it all. Meanwhile being in a situation where you are in a love situation are a pain situation it's good to have that to show you are human and that you have the feeling and acknowledgment of being …show more content…

In article one “why pride is nothing to be proud of” it states that the merriam webster dictionary say pride is “ a positive one is a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by others.” that means not only should you respect yourself but, that you deserve the respect from others because what you've done should be standed by others respect. We might believe that healthy self worth mean taking pride in our achievement. But if values is tied to our accomplishments or self image, its built upon on fragile foundation. Even if we have a healthy self worth about yourself we need to understand that we don't necessarily need to have pride to go along with it. While saying that our values or what we do value should not be determined by what we accomplish or what our self image should

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