Why Plagiarism Is Bad

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Why Not to Plagiarize and the Consequences Can Hurt
Plagiarism can ultimately put an end to a student attending college, due to the consequences that follow, when caught plagiarizing. In order to plagiarize the content has to be considered as unauthorized or misleading use of the material of someone else’s work (Hult & Huckin, 2016). Nobody starts his or her college career out by deciding to plagiarize, but unfortunately it does happen, even if it wasn’t intentional. By plagiarizing you are technically stealing from someone else and taking the credit and the piece of writing as your own. It is hard to write a paper with an original idea, when almost everything has already been researched. But we can elaborate more on someone else’s research by giving them credit for what they have done with the proper citing of their work and then adding the research that we have done to it. When writing your paper and you are using someone else’s work you should decide whether you are going to summarize, paraphrase or quote their work in your paper. Paraphrasing is putting the material in …show more content…

When writing a paper a lot of students fear that they may commit it without knowing. It is best to oversight than to not sight at all. In order to catch plagiarism, instructors use turnitin.com and other software that can detect it and show where the student used it (Ramage, Bean, & Johnson). When a student is caught plagiarizing, there are various consequences they can receive. Instructors want to believe that if a student is caught plagiarizing for their first time that it was unintentional, so a “0” would be the grade of that assignment. It doesn’t hurt the student too bad, but it will wake the student up and make them realize that what they have done is unacceptable. Now if a student keeps doing it they can have more severe consequences for example “failing grade for the course or even expulsion from school” (Hult & Huckin,

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