Why People Should Participate In Presidential Elections

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Many people don’t participate in public elections for many reasons. They may not think their opinions matter, or think it’s not worth their time. However recently, only about half of US citizens have voted in the presidential elections every year. People should vote in public elections to help clarify your rights and beliefs, to make positive change around the world, and to use the right that many others don’t have.
Most adult citizens know basic facts about politics and economics but don’t have a deep understanding of it such as how certain policies can affect everyone. Learning about politics in depth gives you the opportunity to discover your political beliefs and to see in much greater detail the benefits and disadvantages of the vast array of political ideologies that are present in the world today. Politics are always changing and significantly impacts our lives every day. It is important to get a deeper understanding politics to find your beliefs so you can support them. …show more content…

Everyone’s vote will have significant consequences on people all over the world. Especially to those who do not have the opportunity to vote. Because the United States of America is a major world power, the people who win elections now will set policies that have far-reaching effects on peoples all over the world. The President, and the cabinet he appoints set U.S. foreign policy. Your vote helps determine who will shape the policies of the United States. now and in the future. Many U.S citizens are not happy with the decision to invade Iraq. If you do not support this decision then you should vote against the people who made it. If you do not vote then you are abandoning the people who do not have a voice in their own government, and who must rely on other countries to help them achieve this

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