Why People Shoplift

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Why do people shoplift? It is the public, sibling, or just want to gain attention. I have been told if I don't want any trouble I should keep my mouth shut. There are approximately 27 million shoplifter and 25 percent are kids, 75 percent are adults. A shoplifter would steal at least twice a week. In my case it was more than twice a week. I soon learned that shoplifting is a controllable real-life game with no real outcome. Like a paralyze person I stand and stare in dazed as I was ensure shoplifting is normal. I remember when we used to go Target, Dollar Tree, and Wal-Mart at all times. We were like a baby who cry in need when we want something. Growing up with strict parent is a pain due to my mom she was greedy with money. With this situation my brother start to shoplift until one of them got caught and no longer allow to enter the store. Soon, both of them are banned from at least one store in town. Knowing well shoplifting banned people me and my sister start to shoplift starting somewhere small. At the same location we shoplifted multiple times causing my sister to come from the store announcing,”We can't go to Dollar Tree anymore!” I relied in confused,”Why?” With a clear statement she said,”Were banned from Dollar Tree because we were caught stealing way too many times.” Knowing this will …show more content…

My cousin selled dubbed movie and TV shows often was Thai, Chinese, and Korea. I was more interested into Chinese TV shows because they were more meaningful and simple moral lesson. From the Chinese series, Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre, Zhang Wuji childhood was terrible and a disaster. Due to the powerful sword Wuij's parent died and was abandoned. The moral lesson is to forgive and forget in order to seek peace in life. This series help me realize being greedy and selfish at what I want won't bring long term happiness. My thirst for shoplifting slowing close and gradually gain

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