Why Is Survival Important In Literature

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What does it take to survive? You need to have the proper mindset, be resourceful, and be determined. Survival is a common theme in today’s literature, and although expressed in many varieties, they are similar in some way. Three books that I have chosen to compare are The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, and lastly, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The Lottery takes place in a small village of approximately three hundred people. Everyone gathers around the town square, and the children all collect their stones and put them in one giant pile in the corner. We learn that Mr. Summers is the man in charge of all civic events; he arrives carrying a black wooden box, followed by Mr. Graves. Mr. Summer mixes up all the slips of paper in the box and then reads out the names, and calls up the family heads to draw a slip of paper. After everyone has drawn, they open up their papers, and quickly word gets around that a man named Bill Hutchinson has “got it”. Mr. Summers puts five more slips of paper in the box, for the Hutchinson family to draw from. Once everyone has opened their slips, it is revealed that Tessie has drawn the slip with the black dot on it. Mr. Summers then instructs everyone to hurry up, and the villagers begin to gather around Tessie, throwing stones at her …show more content…

Two tributes, a boy and a girl, are chosen from each of the twelve districts to be put in an arena and fight to death, or just try to survive. Katniss Everdeen displays an act of self-sacrifice when her younger sister is chosen for the games. She steps up and volunteers as tribute to represent district twelve. Along with Katniss, Peeta Mellark is also chosen. This section of the book reflects immensely on how the Lottery began. In both of the stories, you have no choice on if you will be drafted or not. Once you’re of age, it’s in the hands of

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