Why Is Physician Assisted Suicide Wrong

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Physician assisted suicide is a method to end a patient’s life with no pain in order to relieve him from intolerable pain incurable disease. Literally, euthanasia means "good death" but the controversy about it is just the oposite. People should not allow euthanasia to go on because I think it is wrong and that doctors should trust in their practices and medicines. Physician assisted suicide is wrong for three reasons it goes against the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors have to fulfil, it is essentially homicide, but the continued improvements and innovations in the field of medicine and health care could help it this. Physician-assisted suicide influences each human being the right to die when they desire instead should recognize one self-respect …show more content…

Physician assisted suicide is not that different from murder because they both involve killing a person. The only difference is that in euthanasia, there is mercy and consent involved while in murder there is none. If murder is, band by law because people take matters into their own hands and kill others, then physician-assisted suicide should be band because doctors take matters into their own hands and kill their patients even if there is consent from the patients and their families or relatives. “Rather, the current profit-driven health care system urges doctors to reduce care in order to cut costs.” “A lethal prescription costs no more than $300 compared to the cost of treatment for most long-term medical conditions and serious illnesses that can run into hundreds of thousands giving insurance companies or others making treatment cost decisions a direct financial incentive to suggest assisted suicide in lieu of expense.” The way I see it is that it puts too much power into the doctors even if the one they are doing it does not give permission. What if they do a suicide on someone that does not have the right of mind just because some have the choice it does not necessarily make it …show more content…

When assisted suicide is offered as a “choice” and coverage for care is denied, the patient is left with no control over their medical choices and no real choice at all.” Murder is still murder, and retains the seriousness of a crime against the commandment, thou shalt not kill (Ex. 20:13). However, no matter how respectable the mask on euthanasia might be, it was and still is a form of both murder and suicide at once. Doctors must never give up on their patients no matter how hopeless the situation might be. They must exhaust all options to give their patients a fighting chance to survive and

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