Why Is It Important To Keep COSH Records

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B. Scientific data
COSHH records hold information in relation to risk assessments, safety data sheets and how you can work with various hazardous substances, it ensures that all companies follow health precautions to make staff members safe. They are non-confidential information as all staff members should be allowed to access them, yet their extremely important detailed records which must be kept safe, so they should be stored within an office or a locked filing cabinet. They will be used when required so having them on the PC will be practical, for example when changes occur on when an evaluation of the COSHH records happen. The reason for keeping these types of records is that they’re only updated when it’s important and it allows all staff members to become more knowledgeable about things relation to the COSHH register. www.hse.gov.uk/coshh/ Scientific data is usually a long-term archive storage which holds various scientific methods, whereas it can also be data collected from experiments within the laboratory. The scientific results found should be easily accessible and they should follow …show more content…

For example, if a blood sample was taken at the doctors, sent to the hospital and then the results were given to the doctor’s surgery; this involves sample throughput and management as everything is control and good working practises are promoted. This information will usually be accessible to all members of staff, yet it could be updated regularly when procedures change, so putting it on the PC would be practical. It could be stored within a laboratory office or even within a safe folder in a filing cabinet. It will be accessed rarely as it will only need when required, this information should be kept as staff should be allowed to follow regulatory procedures so that processes are safe and are completed

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