Why Is Friar Lawrence To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a play of star-crossed lovers. Although because of their family feuds they were forced not to see each other. In the end, they end up killing themselves. Who was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Here are three main reasons why Friar Lawrence appears to be most at fault. The first reason why Friar Laurence is the guilty one is because, in the middle of the play, he marries Romeo and Juliet without their parents agreeing to it. "So smile the heavens upon this holy act that after hours with sorrow chide us not" (2.6.1-2)! By Romeo and Juliet getting married without the permission from their parents. They should have already seen that this was not a good idea. If the parents knew they maybe wouldn't have had
The first step of the plan was for Juliet to go home and tell her father that she will marry Paris and that worked. The second part had a problem to it because Juliet was supposed to sleep alone on Wednesday night but the wedding got moved to Tuesday. The third step of the plan had a little bit of a problem. Juliet was supposed to drink the potion. But she had some doubts about it like will the potion work, what if Friar Laurence gave me poison instead so he won't get in trouble, what if Romeo doesn't come, what if the ghost in the vault come for me, what if I catch disease, and lastly what if I run out of air and go crazy. But then she drinks the potion and goes into a coma which is the fourth step of the plan and that works. The fifth step to the plan is for Juliet to be put in the family vault which works. The sixth step of the plan is Friar Laurence wrote a note to Romeo telling him the plan. But he gave it to Friar John who got quarantined and could not get the letter to Romeo. Lastly the seventh step of the plan was that Friar Laurence and Romeo were to come to get Juliet and run away to Mantua but that didn't happen. The third reason why Friar Laurence is guilty is because at the end of the play he tells the prince he is the one responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet. As he tells the prince the whole story of Romeo and Juliet at the end he admitted that it was his fault. "All this I know, and to the marriage Her Nurse is privy. And if aught in this Miscarried by my fault, let my old

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