Why Is Curley's Wife Lonely

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John Steinbeck’s story, “Of Mice and Men” confirms how Curley’s wife is the loneliest character in the book. No one really knows her, she doesn’t have any friends there, and she is in a relationship that she does not want to be in. The relationship they are in is almost as if it was fake the whole time and they never really wanted each other so they’re actually lonely. Their love was never there and it was basically all like acting like they were together and happy being with each other when they really weren’t. Pretending like they actually had something made them feel as if they really had nobody and just had themselves because no one really knew what they were like behind closed doors where no one would understand them. No one really …show more content…

Curley doesn’t let her have any friends or try to talk to people because it makes him mad. He has more control over her and that makes her lonely not being able to talk to anybody and staying home. Steinbeck reveals Curleyś wifeś feelings, “I get lonely, you can talk to people but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How’d you like not to talk to anybody.”(Steinbeck 87) She does explain why she doesn’t talk to anybody because of Curley and she doesn’t like it because of how lonely she …show more content…

In my opinion she should be able to get out more and make some friends because Curley is probably making her into the person she is than what she was before. She would most likely be more friendlier to others if she actually got a shot at making new friends. Curley always makes her stay home and treats her bad as if she’s not a human being and can not go out like others do. If Curley’s wife got to be out more than maybe she would be known and wouldn’t be looked at as “Curley’s wife” and be able to find people to relate to and have someone to tell her problems

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